That's what people kept asking us when we told them our plans. We were starting to get worried about what we'd find, especially since we originally planned on going to a theme park which actually doesn't open until the day after we leave!
We've booked in with a couchsurfing host for a couple of nights but he's double booked for the first night so, really generously, he gives up his bedroom to us for the night. Thanks Jesse! Since he's obviously a good guy we take his advice and head to the University Circle district of the city to take in some of the sights. Parking is a bit of an issue and James drives round the same block more times than we can count, each time missing a space by a few seconds. By the time we've parked we're definitely ready to stretch our legs so it's just as well that it's a nice green area here, with the Natural History Museum (alas just closed when we arrived), the botanical gardens and the Art museum, which looked very old on one side and very modern on the other. We're not convinced! After having a nice long wander round we find a nice lively bar with a usefully timed happy hour and indulge ourselves before heading back to the house for a manly tea of steak and chips.
Ohio wildlife |
Visiting wildlife |
We've been told we can move into our basement apartment this morning, the Germans who were staying had to be on the road at nine so Christine gets a bit of shock when she walks in and they're still there. Luckily she's quiet and they're asleep or things could have got weird. As soon as they've gone we throw our bags downstairs and head for the bus to take us in to the city. It's one of the more historical looking cities we've seen in America and there's a mix of grand statues and old buildings that reminds us a bit of Germany. The first thing we head for is the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument in Public Square which is an impressive enough on the outside but there's a door so we head inside and are greeted by a very enthusiastic worker inside who seems very excited to have visitors and shows us round inside.

Even though it's his city, he too seems confused why we've come to Cleveland! Next it's across the square to the imaginatively named 'Old Stone Church' and as we get to the door we're approached by a greeter with long grey hair and no teeth who starts to tell us about the church but quickly changes subject to his 26 years in prison! We can't get a word in, he just keeps going on and on, back and forth between stories about the church goers and prison. We're nervous... one minute there's smiles as he's telling us about the 94 year old woman who brings him bread on Sundays then the next minute he's telling us people have no sense of humour when it comes to shooting cops...we think that's what he did, he's hard to follow. We manage to get away when a homeless man comes into the church and our new friend escorts him out. Phew! We have a bit more of a walk, see the fountain of eternal youth (we'll know if it works in a few years), the view across Lake Erie from the top of the Civic Centre and head for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Fountain of Youth |
World's Largest Free Stamp |
What a place! It's huge and takes us nearly 3 hours just to get around the first floor. Luckily this is the only day of the week it's open until 10 tonight, we're going to need it! So with a food break in the middle we work our way round videos, instruments, outfits, really cool exhibitions about Elvis, Hendrix and The Wall.
Jump! |
Ultimate Elvis Jukebox |
Janis Joplin's Amazing Automobile |
Christine wonders if there's any way she can get out with Jacko's glove and Kurt Cobain's guitar and James gets told off for using his flash. We could easily spend another day in here, we'd have to if we wanted to see and read it all but we speed up as the evening goes on and finish our visit watching a presentation on all the previous inductees and get amazed by how wide a range of music 'Rock and Roll' covers. We're kicked out around 9pm and there's just time to take in the lights of the Cleveland skyline before heading back for a beer and a catch up with our host. We leave a note in Jesse's visitor book telling future guests to invite him to the Hall of Fame with them, as it turns out he's never been.
Think Pink |
Rock and Roll Baby! |