We’ve both been really excited to go to New Orleans, we’re
even taking a detour just to go there. We’ve had a bit of a panic the last week
as we couldn’t find anywhere to stay, no couchsurfers, no Airbnb and no motels,
what’s going on?! Finally we get an email from a fellow couchsurfer who tells
us that it’s Jazz Festival weekend so we’ll struggle to find somewhere, doh!
It’s an equal mix of excitement for the festival and panic at the thought of
not having anywhere to stay. We up our search until couchsurfer Louis and a
last minute cancellation come to our rescue, hurray! We still have two days
without accommodation but who cares, we’re going to a Jazz fest in New Orleans!
We pack our stuff up and nip to Dunkin’ Donuts for breakfast
(It’s America, it’s allowed). We weren’t expecting the utter panic that crept
across the server’s face when we asked for a cup of tea. She silently walks
over to her colleague and whispers “How do I make a cup of tea?” – Whattt?!!!
He advises her to get a cup, put in a teabag and fill it with hot water. We know
sometimes it’s hard to get everything right in a new job but c’mon! James finally gets a haircut and no longer resembles Cousin It then we drive through a few states to our next destination.
Two people tackled it and it still took 5 hours ;) |
Because he's worth it. |
Sweet home Alabama |
Woohooooo! |
We drive to New Orleans with no problems, the first stop is
the arena to get some festival tickets, yey! It’s an open tickets so we still
have the choice of headliners – Robert Plant or Eric Clapton? Getting near our
host’s house we spot a parking space right near where we are staying which is a
bonus as these streets are right near the festival and it’s usually impossible
to find one. As James begins to park we hear a scrape and a pop, uh oh! James
has popped the tyre on the pavement. After phoning the hire company we decide
to sort it out in the morning, we’ve been driving for ages and we need a rest,
plus we don’t want to lose the parking space. As we’re unpacking the Tablet
falls to the ground and gains a brand new crack across the screen (it wasn’t
Christine’s fault, honest! Ahem) sighhh.
We decide to pretend it never happened
and go to explore the area. Our host was lucky enough to get to the Jazz
festival for the whole weekend so we’ll be meeting him later, for now we stroll
around and instantly fall in love with New Orleans. There are lots of people
sat on their porches watching the world go by, playing games or listening to
music. It’s a really friendly atmosphere and we’re tempted to ask two elderly
gentlemen if we can join them. We know we are near to the festival so we go for
a wander in that direction and spot a bar with lots of festival goers enjoying
the sun. We get a beer and soak up the atmosphere. After a little more
wandering around it’s nearly time to meet our host Louis so we find a cool bar
to settle in and let Louis know where we are. While we’re waiting a woman comes
in dressed as a banana. At least she’s having fun eh?
James and our host Louis outside his gorgeous "Shotgun House" |
Louis meets us in the bar
with a big grin on his face, it looks like the first day of the festival was a
huge success. He tells us all about it and then offers to take us to a nearby
cafĂ© which apparently has the best Po’Boy sandwiches in New Orleans. When we
get there we have a difficult decision to make, do we go for standard beef or
chicken or be a bit adventurous? Knowing how fussy Christine can be with meat
we obviously go for the Alligator Sausage Po’Boy which is absolutely gorgeous!
If you’re ever in the area, give it a go! We talk the night away and get
excited about the festival tomorrow (Robert Plant it is!).
The alligator sausages have definitely got bite |
Getting the boring stuff out of the way first we exchange
hire cars and then make our way to the festival. Louis is already there but we
promised to meet up later. The first act we see is Ironing board Sam who has a
crazy keyboard and a drummer with fire lit drumsticks, raghhh! This is going to
be an awesome festival.
Ironing Board Sam |
Ey mate! Your sticks are on fire! |
We meet up with Louis and see a few more bands with him
before separating to see a band that has caught James' eye. After some
traditional food of Black Beans and Rice we see more bands before making our
way to the main stage to see Robert Plant. On the way we hear a lovely voice
and soothing saxophone so stop to listen. It’s an elderly band and they’re from
England, ooh it’s nice to hear that accent.
Treme Brass Band |
Excited faces |
Were they trying to make up the numbers? |
New Wave Brass Band |
Walter Cook & Creole Wild West Mardi Gras Indians |
Walter Cook & Creole Wild West Mardi Gras Indians |
Walter Cook & Creole Wild West Mardi Gras Indians |
Bob Wilber and the Crescent City Cats (The English lot) |
We stay for their set before being
attacked by alligators (revenge for the po’boy we suppose) and finding a spot
to watch Robert Plant. As predicted he is brilliant and we have a lot of fun
dancing away, listening to a woman demand "Star-a-why!" and fighting off thirsty people who have their eyes on our beers,
gerrrroff! The festival is all too soon over and we make our way out with huge smiles on our faces.
But you taste so good in bread! |
You show him James! |
Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters |
though the festival has ended it doesn’t mean the party has. We soon come
across a jazz street party with a full band playing and vodka shots being
handed around, why not eh? We join in the party and everyone is dancing away,
suddenly we hear another band in the distance. They come down the street and
stop for an impromptu Jazz Off, brilliant! Louis already had plans tonight so
we aim for a diner that he recommended, it was certainly
popular and we could see why, the food was absolutely gorgeous. Can we stay in
New Orleans for another week please? Back at the house we chat with Louis about
the festival and get green eyes when he talks about seeing Eric Clapton
tomorrow, we want to go.
An awesome street party
Every night should end like this |
Unfortunately we have to leave Louis today as two Canadian
girls are coming to stay, it’s a shame as we’ve really enjoyed staying here and
Louis has been a fabulous host. We’ve managed to find an Airbnb host to stay
with tonight so make our way across the city to meet Ryan. When he spots us
walking down the street he shouts “Oh my god, Airbnb didn’t tell me you’d be so
cute!” His voice and mannerisms remind Christine of Mr Chow in The Hangover heehee!
He shows us where we will be sleeping but then has to rush off for lunch with
his friends.
After waiting a while for the streetcar we decide to start
walking instead when we overhear someone say that the part of the line we were
waiting at wasn’t running, doh! We find the right stop and get on the rickety
wooden streetcar, it’s a lot of fun and Christine enjoys the mini concert put
on by the little girl behind her.
We’ve been told that the French Quarter is the nicest part
of New Orleans so we have a walk round and take in the sights of the beautiful
buildings, the artist stalls and the green gardens that it has to offer. We
stop for food in a diner called NOLA Grill, it doesn’t look that impressive
from the outside but inside it’s a typical diner with traditional Louisiana
food and friendly staff, we loved it!
The Grill (Formally Camellia Grill) |
The market is the next stop and we spend a bit of time
browsing the stalls which all seem to be selling voodoo dolls. We hear some
jazz being played inside a bar so we stop for a drink and listen to them finish
their set. We’re quite happy until we realise that they’re on a loop and are
repeating songs, bad form! Walking home we see a parade go past (we don’t know
what it’s for but it’s New Orleans so who cares) and manage to bag ourselves some Mardi
Gras beads.
They're everywhere and so pretty. |
Parade because we can. |
After freshening up and getting changed back at the house we
go back into town and find the famous Bourbon Street which has been taken over
by tourists, neon signs and strip clubs (men and women so at least there’s
something for everyone). We spot an old man talking through a window... “I love
ya, heehee, I do, I do, I love ya! Heehee” when we glance over his shoulder to see who he is talking to it's a group of young girls looking slightly amused but also scared, we don’t
blame them! We spend the night nipping in and out of bars with live bands and
have a break by going to the night market. Back to the bars we are picked up by
two very drunk but happy blokes “HEY YOU'RE ENGLISH, COME WITH US!!” “To where?” “WE DON’T KNOW BUT IT’LL BE FUN!!”
Why not eh? After walking round in circles for a bit we give up and find a bar of our own.
At 3am we finally call it a night and head back to Ryan’s. He’s still up and we
chat for a bit before he goes for a shower and asks us to join him. We're 60% sure that he's joking...we wish we were still at Louis’ house! We
still don’t know where we’re staying tomorrow but Ryan has said he’ll sort
something out.
Shout out to Christine's homie Chris! |
At least we got a picture of one band tonight. |
The next morning we get up and Ryan is still in bed, it’s
weird as he said he was in work at 9 but he’s still in bed by the time we leave
at 10.30. He hasn’t mentioned anything about tonight either so we get on Airbnb
and find an emergency place to stay not so far from Louis’ which is good as we
plan to meet him tonight for a pub quiz.
We get the street car to the centre and go to Ihop for
breakfast, mmm pancakes! On the way out we see a guy dressed in bin bag
trousers surrounded by police but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything wrong,
he’s just eating McDonald’s fries and ignoring all the stares. We get the bus
to Magazine street which is in the garden district, there are lots of pretty
buildings and shops but there doesn’t seem to be much else. James suddenly stops and says "Disco Ovaries? Is that a woman only shop?", errm no, it's actually called Discoveries. Silly James. Back in the centre we spot the House of Blues and James has his picture taken with some familiar faces.
Can you see where James went wrong? |
We know that our
next host lives near a park so we decide to check in and go for a picnic in the
park. On the way to the shop to buy food for the picnic Christine hears a man
shouting some nonsense but when she looks he’s talking to himself so she
decides to stay clear of him. James obviously didn’t have the same idea and
when the bloke gets close to James he stops to ask him what he’s saying, uh-oh! The
guy is very aggressive and says to James “Listen man, I know you don’t like the
song but you and all the other people can just f*** off back to where you came
from! I am not a violent person but I will react and I am not a killer but I will represent!”
errrrrrmmmm….let’s get a move on shall we. After giving 'aggressive song man' the
slip we find a nice spot in the park where we can watch the turtles and birds
while eating our picnic.
There were three different sized turtles lined up on the tree like babuska dolls but we scared them off |
After a gentle stroll it’s time to head to Finn
McCools where we are meeting Louis for the pub quiz. Louis has a full team so
it’s time to go it alone, surely we can get a respectable score? When we
realise that we’re not going to get anywhere we decide to put silly answer
which seems to please the quiz master and we get some half scores for incorrect
answers as well as a free pint each for a clever answer by James, waheey! It’s
no surprise that we came last but we’re not sad because we won a bag of
potatoes and some crisps! Anyone who travels on a budget knows that any free
food is a mega bonus. Thanks Finn McCools! Louis congratulates (?) us and
offers us a lift home, what a lovely fella!
Stupid English or clever English? |
Yey! Tayto's! |